Is there any way in which I can firm up my face? I see ads for facial tightening systems but am skeptical. I’m 69 years old and would love to see more firmness in my face, especially around my jawline. Is this even possible?

Is there any way in which I can firm up my face? I see ads for facial tightening systems but am skeptical. I’m 69 years old and would love to see more firmness in my face, especially around my jawline. Is this even possible?

When we talk about muscles we mostly refer to the big, showy skeletal muscles that adorn the arms of men like Schwarzenegger and Stallone. There are, however, muscles throughout our bodies – more than 630 actually – and they’re not all as overt as our biceps and pecs. Fifty-three of them are located in our faces.

Because all of these 53 muscles are voluntary (meaning we can move them at will, as opposed to an involuntary muscle like the heart), they can all be trained to varying degrees. As you surely know by now, training a muscle causes it firm up which, be it your deltoids or your Zygomaticus major (a facial muscle), can be a good thing.

A long time ago I used to sell a beauty course that outlined various exercises one can do to tone the muscles of their face. As it turns out, smiling is one of the very best exercises you can do as it trains your facial muscles to lift upwards. So, besides finding yourself a good book on facial exercises my advice to you is find reasons to smile, and then do it often. Your face and your attitude will be the better for it.