Prediction 10

I PREDICT that bodybuilding will one day become one of the greatest forces in existence and that it may be hailed as the activity which actually saved civilization from itself.

Prediction 9

I PREDICT that those who practice bodybuilding will live healthier, happier and more useful lives.

Prediction 8

I PREDICT that bodybuilding will spread to every corner of the world and that it will one day be recognized as the king of all sports and physical activities.

Prediction 7

I PREDICT that the art of relaxation, which is one of the fundamental principles in bodybuilding, will become more and more important as the tensions increase and that relaxation will be universally taught and advocated.

Prediction 6

I PREDICT that bodybuilding will become the stepping stone to every other sport and physical activity.

Prediction 5

I PREDICT that the principles of good bodybuilding, which include balanced diets, adequate sleep, plenty of fresh air, ample sunshine, and regular work-outs, will become basic principles of living.

Nutrition Post 1

Vestibulum volutpat pulvinar orci, placerat pulvinar urna condimentum sed. Proin rhoncus lacus a dolor molestie sollicitudin facilisis sapien aliquet. Cras risus neque, vulputate ac malesuada id, dictum eu mauris. Nulla mollis odio non sapien tempus mollis. Mauris ultrices consequat elit … Continue reading

Health Post 1

Vestibulum volutpat pulvinar orci, placerat pulvinar urna condimentum sed. Proin rhoncus lacus a dolor molestie sollicitudin facilisis sapien aliquet. Cras risus neque, vulputate ac malesuada id, dictum eu mauris. Nulla mollis odio non sapien tempus mollis. Mauris ultrices consequat elit … Continue reading

Fitness Post 1

Vestibulum volutpat pulvinar orci, placerat pulvinar urna condimentum sed. Proin rhoncus lacus a dolor molestie sollicitudin facilisis sapien aliquet. Cras risus neque, vulputate ac malesuada id, dictum eu mauris. Nulla mollis odio non sapien tempus mollis. Mauris ultrices consequat elit … Continue reading

Joe’s 10 Predictions Post 4

I PREDICT that a full realization of the importance of muscular development will sweep the world and that the sport of bodybuilding will grow by leaps and bounds.

Prediction 3

I PREDICT that bodybuilding will become the chief form of systematic exercise and physical activity and that it will come to be looked upon as one of the greatest forces in the field of preventive medicine.

Joe’s 10 Predictions Post 2

I PREDICT that the resulting increase in mental and physical illness will force the world to recognize the importance of systematic exercise and physical activities to prevent and combat the evils of civilization.